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Applying to Bensham Manor
Admissions at Bensham Manor are governed by the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice. In the first instance families must contact Croydon’s SEND Hotline for further advice and signposting (0208 604 7263). All applications to Bensham Manor come from Croydon’s SEN team.
Bensham Manor School is a large, oversubscribed secondary special school for students aged 11-18. We make provision for pupils who have an Education Health and Care Plan which include; autistic spectrum disorders, complex needs, speech, language and communication difficulties and specific learning difficulties. We have specialist subject teachers and teaching assistants and a Post 16 on site. We work hard to ensure pupils are successful and we celebrate and recognise achievement and effort in all areas of the curriculum.
Bensham Manor does not meet the needs of children who:
Have a diagnosis of autism or Asperger’s Syndrome but are high functioning and demonstrate a potential to access learning at a mainstream level
Demonstrate social, emotional and mental health difficulties (SEMH) that are a primary need.
Have a global developmental delay which restricts their access to a mainstream curriculum but who are socially confident and motivated to engage
A local Authority SEND adviser will signpost you to another of Croydon’s six special schools.
Pupils are admitted to Bensham Manor School following an assessment of their special educational needs. If the assessment results in an Education, Health and Care Plan that indicates a placement at Bensham Manor School might be appropriate, Croydon Education Authority ask us to consider whether or not we feel we can meet a child’s needs. All referrals are considered by senior staff. In some instances a senior member of staff may visit the child at their provision. Following this visit a decision will be made as to whether to invite the child in for a trial or if in year 6 a “taster day” to see if they like Bensham Manor and to help staff confirm whether or not Bensham Manor is the best provision.
We encourage all prospective parents and carers to visit the school at one of our regular Open Mornings hosted by the Headteacher. Attendance is by appointment only and parents should contact the school office and see website for dates and times. For year 6 prospective pupils the school will arrange a series of visits or events to prepare the young person for the transition to Bensham Manor. During this time parents will be invited into school to complete the admissions form, consent forms and the home-school agreement.
Post 16 Admissions
Bensham Manor Post 16 is an oversubscribed provision which caters for 14 pupils in total with a diagnosis of autism and other associated needs.
All admissions to Post 16 are via Croydon Council SEN Team.
Post 16 offers are given following an EHCP review in Year 11.
As the provision is over subscribed, not all pupils who request a place will be successful. Successful pupils will only be offered a guaranteed one year placement at Post 16 and this will be reviewed annually at the EHCP review meeting. The school has the right to only offer a one year placement and not extend it to two years. The school has the final decision on who will be given a place in Post 16. If your child has a history of unauthorised absence including term time holidays then they will not be offered a place.
We will no longer be offering a three Year Post 16 placement.
Our latest admissions review with governing board date – July 2023
Our latest admissions review with Croydon Council date – July 2023
Admissions Policy