KS4 Life Skills

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Key Stage 4 Foundation Learning Pathway

Students in Key Stage 4 on the Foundation Learning Pathway study a combination of different subjects and courses.

These are made up of:

– Skills for Independent Living.
– The core subjects, maths, English and science.
– Computer digital media; Horticulture; Art/textiles; Childcare; Physical education; cooking, PSHE and RE.

The Skills for Independent Living course is a tailormade course chosen to suit the specific cohort of the
year. The primary focus is to help develop independent living skills, preparation into adulthood and
progression to employment.

The students can study for a certificate, extended certificate or diploma depending on the number of units
completed. The qualification is awarded by the exam board ‘Gateway’ and each unit can be taught at
entry level 1, 2 or 3. Students can study the units at different levels, thus allowing progression and
development at their own pace.

In year 10, the focus is personal and social skills. The students study units such as Being Part of a Group,
Completing Tasks, Personal Safety, and Being a Householder. They also develop their own learning skills,
by setting targets.
In year 11 we build on the personal and social skills and start to develop skills in employability. Students
study units such as Working in a Team and Digital skills in the Workplace. Interview Skills are also taught
and practised, culminating in a mock interview, which helps to cement their learning and prepare for

To further support and prepare them for adulthood, students also complete units in:

– CDM – Keeping Safe On-line and Digital Skills in the Workplace.
– RE – Understanding Relationships.
– PE – Taking Exercise.

To help support their wellbeing, students are taught the Zones of Regulation curriculum to help them self-
regulate and understand their emotions. This curriculum supports the unit in Looking After Own Well-

Students also get awarded certificates in maths, English, science, cooking and art/textiles.