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Therapy at Bensham

Occupational Therapy


Speech and Language

Tea and Talk

Music Therapy

Family Support

Therapy Dog

Drawing and Talking

Tara’s Therapy Space




Our Therapy Offer

Therapy is an essential part of our core offer at Bensham Manor School and is integrated throughout the school day.

Our therapists work with students individually, in small groups and within the classroom. Therapists jointly plan and deliver a number of lessons across the school week.

We place a very strong emphasis on social use of language (pragmatics) so that students develop their advocacy and negotiation skills as well as relationships. We deliver this through Social Communication Groups.

SPOT groups (Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy) are delivered to Year 7s and select classes, once a week.

Students have targeted and individualised therapy to support the development of skills.

Therapists set SMART targets and monitor and track student progress on a termly basis. Reports are sent home once per year. The therapy team is involved in reviewing students’ Education and Health Care Plans and delivering the provision outlined in Section F of pupils EHCPs.

Therapists also deliver training to staff, facilitate parent workshops and offer outreach training to other schools on a variety of topics.

Our Therapy Team

Tara Millan-Brophy - Head of Therapies, Speech and Language Therapist

Amy Pearce - Speech and Language Therapist

Leanne Dale - Speech and Language Therapy Assistant

Sehere Sadiq - Occupational Therapist

Tracey Weyman - Occupational Therapy Assistant

Laura Pringle - Dramatherapist

Frances Ogiemwense - School counsellor

Amy Clarke - ELSA / Drawing and Talking

Ian Ford - Music Therapist