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Provision for the 21st Century Pupil

Bensham Manor School’s curriculum gives pupils access to creative learning opportunities tailored to their individual needs. Together with our partners we work to continue to be at the forefront of successful, innovative curriculum design with overall breadth and balance, which provides the young people with their full entitlement. As a result, the young people benefit from excellent opportunities in all aspects of our curriculum to achieve and improve their skills (including social), knowledge, understanding, well-being and physical development.

We provide a broad and balanced curriculum at an appropriate and challenging level. This supports young people in developing a core foundation of knowledge and skills that will prepare them for further study, training and employment. We support young people to attain the highest level of recognised qualifications appropriate to them.

Our partnerships include flexible arrangements which enable pupils to access mainstream courses, if relevant, and with appropriate specialist support. For example, at Key stage 4 we currently have established partnerships with local employees and colleges.

We have a core curriculum offer which is individualised according to need. The core curriculum is taught in groups according to age and ability as far as possible. Booster groups are identified to assist more able students to achieve their full potential via options and after school clubs..

We work in partnership with families to make curriculum choice a reality, delivering specialist personalised learning that builds on individual strengths and needs. It is absolutely driven by a commitment to developing an outstanding provision with a focus on high expectations, supporting pupils to achieve and aspire to succeed.

The ethos, aims and curriculum are driven by transitional pathways leading to fulfilling, contributory and worthwhile opportunities for all students as they progress into adulthood. Pathways and progression include striving for academic success across the curriculum in order to achieve the range of life-skills and relevant academic qualifications necessary to fulfil each individual’s potential. Learning pathways include a relevant focus on life-skills, vocational skills and academic studies.

To supplement the skills and expertise of teaching staff other professionals such as Speech and Language Therapists, Counsellors, Occupational Therapists , Drama Therapists and a Family Support Worker are engaged in order to support pupil learning.

The curriculum is supported by a wide range of enrichment activities to support learning – lunch and break-time clubs as well as after-school clubs, holiday schemes, off-site visits and visits by a variety of different organisations. Educational visits are planned that enhance pupils’ learning and, through real life experience, develop a better understanding of the world around them.

Pupils are encouraged to be proactive learners rather than passive participants, through practical tasks and planned opportunities for risk taking, independent learning and problem solving. Access to a wide range of enhanced opportunities and approaches includes educational visits, Music, Drama and sporting links with other schools.

We act as a specialist resource for the local area, providing training and support to schools, professionals and families, sharing expertise and good practice and responding to requests for support and advice. We work in partnership with other agencies including social care and health, particularly in relation to transition planning and ensuring successful outcomes and pathways for our young people.

Our curriculum focuses on outcomes and destinations, supporting young people into adulthood with consistently high expectations. This includes skills for independent living, community access, social inclusion, employability and preparation for further education. Our established partnerships with many local organisations provide opportunities for students to access relevant, challenging and aspirational work placements.

There is access to a range of new technologies, such as iPad, interactive whiteboards and 3D technologies.

The school strongly promotes an empathic approach and the curriculum is designed to meet the diverse needs of all young people, overcoming potential barriers to learning, focusing on strengths and inclusive practice.

Curriculum Overview

Therapy Linking to our Curriculum

Therapy Link Document