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Childcare Overview

Childcare is taught in KS4 to all Year 10 and most 11 pupils. The course contributes to the Independent Living Entry Level Pathway with the Welsh Board. The certificate comprises a range of units at either Entry 2 or Entry 3. The following units are studied and assessment is through observation, practical tasks and coursework assignments.

  • The Family – looking at different family structures and support which is available from statutory and voluntary agencies.

  • Contraception – looks at the different methods of contraception, their strengths, weaknesses and risks.

  • Preparation for Pregnancy and Birth – acquiring knowledge and understanding of how to prepare for pregnancy and the development of the growing child.

  • Care of a New Baby – provides information on how to care for a newborn baby and the value of postnatal care for both mother and baby.

Some Year 10’s follow an AQA course comprising 2 units - Sex, Relationships and Puberty and Introduction to Reproduction. This cohort does not have Childcare in Year 11.

Childcare Information

Curriculum Map - Childcare